Victims of domestic violence are often forced to seek refuge from the first place where to feel safe, their home. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, IKEA presents SÄKERHET: the first wardrobe lock designed to close yourself from the inside. Ideal for converting any closet into a shelter from domestic violence.

Obviously it doesn’t really exist, because a product cannot solve this dramatic problem. But it can make you reflect on how, in Italy, if you are a woman, a lock can protect you more than the law.

SÄKERHET was born as a provocation to shed light on an endemic problem in our Country and on the need to approve an urgent law that effectively protects victims of domestic violence.

Framing Order

Each IKEA product has a unique style but contains infinite stories. Because there are infinite ways to organize our homes and our lives. There are those who pay attention to every detail and those who feel at home only in the chaos. After all, the perfect order doesn’t exist, there’s a perfect order for each one of us. And at IKEA, for a small price, you always find the right solution to organize your needs and passions.


Wherever your home is, IKEA is always closer to you in so many different ways. Even if you live in a tiny mobile home that travels all around Italy. In fact, it’s a tiny mobile home that stars in the Swedish brand’s new TV campaign, which aims to show how, thanks to the many affordable solutions and proximity services, each of us can realize our idea of home, wherever and whenever we want to. The 45″ film shows us the story of a young traveling couple that, despite moving all the time, is always within easy reach of IKEA products and solutions.


A suitcase can contain a whole life. Like for the millions of Ukrainians forced to flee the war in 2022. This was the origin of the awareness campaign “The Suitcase” with which IKEA decided to put its customers in front of the reality, shaping in one of its setting rooms what’s left of every Ukrainian refugee’s home: a simple suitcase. A symbol with a strong impact that emotionally touched all IKEA customers across Italy, pushing them to donate essential goods to Ukrainian refugees and thus to give them back the warmth of the home that they were forced to leave behind.

The drawing

To celebrate the World Children’s Day (20th November 2019), together with IKEA, and in collaboration with Save the Children, we developed a project to raise awareness on the issue of witnessing violence afflicting children.   Even before they learn to speak, children communicate. They do so through the means they have at their disposal, such as drawings, with which they express their emotions, as well as their discomforts, which are often ignored by adults. For this reason, the drawings of children victims of witnessing violence are inserted in a completely natural way in the exhibition areas of the IKEA stores. At the end of the exhibition, an experiential wall shows the drawings, telling the stories of children who have been victims of witnessing violence, inviting clients to support the petition on Save the Children website.   The line: “Just because you didn’t see them, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen”. The project takes place in all IKEA stores from the 20th to 24th of November. The campaign ends on Social Media.

From Generation to Regeneration

For years, IKEA has been committed to creating solutions that make everyday life more sustainable and circular. But there’s someone who has been doing it since ever, the past generations, who grew up making recovery a real lifestyle. So who, better than them, can teach it to the new generations?

Thus, “From Generation to Regeneration” was born, a project in collaboration with Anteas, an association that has always given a voice to those who want to make their knowledge of a lifetime available to the community.

Guided by the message “To change the future, let’s put the past back into circulation”, this activity gave birth to different contents, with the constant aim of stimulating a dialogue on the circular philosophy between different generations and inspiring people on the theme of creative recycling. Thus, five video tutorials were born, in which Anteas experts and a group of young influencers collaborated to upcycle old IKEA products. But that’s not all. “From Generation to Regeneration” became a podcast to tell the extraordinary stories of five people who have made circularity their philosophy of life, as well as a series of workshops and in-store activities.


Ascolta il podcast

Not just products.

IKEA believes that great design should be available to everyone. No wonder its Design is called Democratic: a combination of function, form, quality, sustainability, and low price. Starting from this last principle, affordability, we brought to life an integrated campaign that describes IKEA solutions as more than just products, because they’re developed to make the difference in every home. And to be accessible to anyone. And that’s why, thanks to IKEA, with little you can get a lot for your life.

The Fearniture Collection

October 2020. Due to the pandemic’s restrictions, for the first time ever, Italian people were forced to spend the Halloween night at home. So, to celebrate the scariest night of the year we created The Fearniture Collection: an ironic campaign that promote IKEA product’s shadows turning (and pricing!) them into spooky monsters. Because in the darkness of your home, even the most innocuous piece of furniture can become a nightmare.

The Uncampaign

Every year, 30 million Italians anxiously wait for the latest edition of the IKEA catalogue to arrive in their mailboxes.

In 2020, however, for the first time in history, the brand decided not to deliver it directly to people’s homes but to distribute it from IKEA stores.


Confessing the end of this deep-rooted ritual to Italians was almost unthinkable.


Therefore, DDB Italia came up with a special campaign: The UnCampaign, the first campaign designed to be ignored.

But also to be illegible, indecipherable, unattainable and unreachable, through the use of specially-chosen touch points and media: OOH positioned in the least frequented places in Italy, incomprehensible prints, ADV displays on the web’s least visited websites and social media done in reverse, with complete strangers used as Influencers and endless Instagram stories, all designed to be skipped.


A special video was made to communicate the sad news to the target audience, who were completely swept away by the campaign. And certainly amused.


The result?

In-store and site traffic increased dramatically, along with brand awareness.

All, with 0 million earned media impressions.


In a year like 2020, made of one Groundhog day after another, we needed to experience a little bit of newness. Because nothing can break the daily routine and make us feel that good.
From this concept, we created a campaign that celebrates IKEA news through the story of Mr. Cuckoo: a cuckoo fed up with monotony and ready to welcome something new and unexpected into his everyday life.