In cities there are plaques for everything, but there are no plaques to remember the victims of homophobia, even though there were 116 attacks in Italy in only one year.

For the International Day against Homophobia, we published on Zurich Italy’s Instagram profile a post for each episode of violence, using geolocalization to install a virtual memorial at each address where the assault had taken place.

So, people searching on social media for the most popular location nearby, were faced not only with the beauty of the cities but also the dark side of homophobia.

iliad – Truth makes you grow.

Truth and Revolution are the two concepts pursued by iliad since its arrival in the telco sector about two years ago. In 2020 iliad shows how only the truth makes us aware and therefore adults.


Stop Cat-Calling

84% of women have endured cat-calling, a harassment frequent not only on the streets, but also online. While in France, Belgium and many other countries it’s punished by the law, in Italy it’s not considered an offence. As insurance company specialized in protection, Zurich Connect chose to take a stand for women’s right giving them the first cross-country defense against verbal sexual harassment. We intercepted cat-calling comments on social media and, using a pseudonym, we sent a bait link to the harassers. Clicking on it, they landed on a website registered in France, where their comments are prosecutable. Facing the risk, almost everyone deleted his comment.
But there is no protection without justice. That’s why we asked people to help us change the law signing the petition to make cat-calling a punishable offence in Italy too.

La Fibra chiara e tonda

After having revolutionized the mobile telco market in just three years, iliad launches its first offer for the fixed network: iliadbox, the clear and round optic fiber.

And it does so with the irreverent and visionary style it has accustomed us to over the years. In just 30 seconds, the new iliad campaign sweeps away the old clichés and unclear promises that characterize the communication of telephone companies, to take us to a world where we can finally see ourselves clearly, indeed round.

Intesa Sanpaolo – Mutuo Giovani

Are we really sure that parents are the ones to be tired of having their sons at home? With Mutuo Giovani, it’s the ideal time to buy your first home, and to tell the story we’ve overturned the stereotype of the son who comes home late at night and disturbs his parents’ sleep. In our case, in fact, it is the boy who is woken up by the noisy and clumsy return of his parents, realising that he wants his independence and a house of his own.


Zurich Connect – The Women’s Protection

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and in collaboration with the association Se Non Ora Quando? DDB Group Italy, together with Zurich and all its employees, created The Women’s Protection, an online protection for women.

As verbal violence is increasing on social media, Zurich and Zurich Connect deployed their 1,000 employees, who looked for offensive comments at women and reported them through their personal profiles until they were removed. Moreover, throughout the day, women who had been victims of verbal violence on social media were able to request the intervention of the employee team, mentioning Zurich Connect right under the insults received.


Together with Zurich Connect we created “Protect The Love”, an activity aimed at combating discrimination and hatred towards the LGBT + community.

Stories of Violence

The project, called #Every15Seconds, comes to life from a fact: every 15 seconds a woman suffers violence. Exactly the time of an Instagram story. Hence the idea of posting every 15 seconds, on November 25th, real stories of victims of violence, for a total of more than 5000 stories published in 24 hours. Stories that will be erased from social media, but not from the lives of these women.