Italy is the most dangerous place in Europe for riding a bike: every two days, a cyclist dies in a road accident. Audi has been the first automotive brand to support the cyclists’ cause, breaking the car drivers vs cyclists pattern and promoting respect for all road users for safer and cleaner mobility.

The Cropped Car is the first Audi campaign that hides the car, focusing what’s on its side: cyclists. In all the brand’s communication, 1.5 meters of the car have been cropped out leaving space to ask for the 1.5 meters distance law, which prohibits overtaking cyclists at a shorter distance.

People loved the campaign, hated the campaign, but above all talked about it.

Major national newspapers and magazines quoted it, influencers, sports ambassadors and journalists joined the conversation on social media, and thousands interacted with the campaign, making this issue a trend topic.

Not just products.

IKEA believes that great design should be available to everyone. No wonder its Design is called Democratic: a combination of function, form, quality, sustainability, and low price. Starting from this last principle, affordability, we brought to life an integrated campaign that describes IKEA solutions as more than just products, because they’re developed to make the difference in every home. And to be accessible to anyone. And that’s why, thanks to IKEA, with little you can get a lot for your life.

Lamborghini Aventador ULTIMAE – Timeless

Those that we now consider world icons have not always been: only those who make initially misunderstood and radical choices, over time, can achieve this status. This film tells the journey beyond all convention and expectation with which Lamborghini Aventador manages to escape the temporal dimension to become “timeless”.

The forgetful

When you don’t have to pay the installments of your new car for 3 months, you can even forget you have bought it. This is what happens in the 2 commercials of the new campaign for the SUV range. A Volkswagen style message that emphasizes how even the purchase of a new car can be experienced without worries.

Intesa Sanpaolo – Mutuo Giovani

Are we really sure that parents are the ones to be tired of having their sons at home? With Mutuo Giovani, it’s the ideal time to buy your first home, and to tell the story we’ve overturned the stereotype of the son who comes home late at night and disturbs his parents’ sleep. In our case, in fact, it is the boy who is woken up by the noisy and clumsy return of his parents, realising that he wants his independence and a house of his own.


Always ready for change.

Life is full of changes. And we can all experience them best with Audi: The Original Accessories, the Audi Collection and the Kids line help us to face any change in the right way.
This is the concept behind the new multi-subject campaign signed by Audi Service. Three films that stage Audi’s ability to always meet the needs of our lives, in an ironic and modern tone.

Let’s not call them heroes.

Together with Bennet, we made the video “Let’s not call them heroes”, dedicated to all the employees, for the responsibility and dedication they showed during COVID emergency and for the extraordinary commitment they continue to face in this period.

Bennet played a major role in supporting local communities during the COVID-19 emergency. This required an extraordinary organizational effort, carried out by its 6725 employees, with great commitment and sense of responsibility.

In order to give visibility and credit to each one of them, we made a video which presents employees not as heroes, but as normal people to be thanked even more strongly and spontaneously.

IKEA – 30 years, 30 ads

The year in which IKEA Italy has turned 30 years old, a display campaign was born describing 30 products through 30 ads. After all, is there a better way to pay tribute to a brand that loves copywriting, if not with other copywriting?


#DisegnamiUnSorriso (#DrawASmileOnMe) is an initiative organized by Bennet that encourages children to draw their most beautiful smiles onto virtual face masks. The whole campaign has been developed on a new website (, on the brand’s social networks and in the stores. A way to let everyone smile again, virtually and concretely, through a donation to the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, in order to support scientific research on childhood cancer.