The perfect aperitivo is all about the right mix: your favourite cocktail bar, a group of great people, a bartender who knows exactly what you like. And a uniquely crafted gin to make the whole experience taste like a ten.
On the occasion of the restyling of its iconic bottle and its new positioning as true protagonist of the Italian aperitivo, together with the launch of a brand new signature cocktail, the Tiny Ten, we showed how to make the most of this occasion presenting a very special guest: meet Tanqueray No. TEN.
Feeding our body is a primary need, but way too often we forget to nurture our most important side: our mind. To do it, reading has always been considered food for thought, the only mean to grow as human beings and as a society. So, with large-scale retail brand Bennet, we created an awareness campaign about cultural consumption, with the aim of bringing back the habit of reading in everyday life. How? Displaying books for sale where people focus their attention the most, in food aisles.
Sanofi Italy has reconfirmed its attention with a campaign dedicated to the Rare Disease Day (February 28, 2021), developed together with DDB GROUP ITALY. Removing barriers, even the emotional ones, for a full and effective social inclusion because we all know some fears but there is one that few people know and that makes it even more fearful, feeling excluded.
Together with Bennet, we made the video “Let’s not call them heroes”, dedicated to all the employees, for the responsibility and dedication they showed during COVID emergency and for the extraordinary commitment they continue to face in this period.
Bennet played a major role in supporting local communities during the COVID-19 emergency. This required an extraordinary organizational effort, carried out by its 6725 employees, with great commitment and sense of responsibility.
In order to give visibility and credit to each one of them, we made a video which presents employees not as heroes, but as normal people to be thanked even more strongly and spontaneously.
Ikea reawakens the power of a good night’s sleep
#DisegnamiUnSorriso (#DrawASmileOnMe) is an initiative organized by Bennet that encourages children to draw their most beautiful smiles onto virtual face masks. The whole campaign has been developed on a new website (, on the brand’s social networks and in the stores. A way to let everyone smile again, virtually and concretely, through a donation to the Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, in order to support scientific research on childhood cancer.

With so many vision, style and budget requirements, finding the right optician is actually harder than it looks. At GrandVision you’ll always find the ideal solution for you. Satisfaction at first sight.
Kinder snacks face the most formidable judge: Italian grandmothers.
Bennet lancia il nuovo servizio di spesa veloce che libera il tempo libero dagli imprevisti legati alla spesa.
Bennet, attraverso la sua fanpage Facebook, dialoga col cliente.